Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Preparing a child for the passing of a loved one

My daughter, who is 5, is very close to her Great Grandmother Lois.  And just like the Biblical Lois she has passed on her faith to our children.  My DD spent many nights with her and they always had wonderful times together.  Granny Lo, as she likes to be called, would spend hours just playing with the children and passing on a Godly heritage with out the little ones knowing it.  Granny Lo always has a tape playing either scripture being read or scripture songs.  The children also learned many little tunes that taught Biblical principles without them knowing it.  One goes like this.

I'm a happy, happy helper
and the reasons plain to see.
I love Jesus.
And he loves me.

They sing this as they are cleaning or helping with other tasks.
Another is this

I washed my hands this morning
very clean and white
and gave them both to Jesus
to work for him tonight
Little feet be careful
where you take me to
Anything for Jesus
only let me do.

This is sung as you wash your hands.

Well dear Granny Lo has been in the hospital with heart problems and now she has pneumonia and she only has part of her lungs from previous troubles.  She is in her 80's so we are not sure how much longer she will have with us.  I wanted to prepare my DD for Granny's eventual passing and sat down with her.  What do you say to a child who just loves her Granny and wants to grow up to be like her?  I decided to be very direct and told her Granny is not going to live on this earth forever and she is not feeling very well.  Someday soon she may go to heaven.  My daughter looked at me and had the biggest smile.  "Oh, Granny Lo loves Jesus so much.  She will be so happy to finally meet him and talk with Him."  Oh for the child like spirit.  Such faith and trust in our Dear Heavenly Father.  She then went on and named people from the Bible that Granny would get to talk to.  She was so happy for Granny. We then went on to talk about the people in our family that have gone before Granny Lo.  Granny will get to be with her DH after many years.  She will also get to see some little one's from the family that never took a breath here on earth.  My DD has the sweetest attitude looking at this.  I pray that it will always be this way.  And may more of us look at the passing of a saint in this manner.


mc2rwe said...

That was just absolutely beautiful. Children are just so blessedly uncomplicated by the world.


BuzyMumof3sons said...

Tears came to my eyes as I read your post just now. I loved my Great Grandmother's so much as they were dear Christian Women! I lost my Great Grandmother Ruth this June not too long after her 90th birthday but, I'm sure your Grammie and my Grammie Ruth will enjoy visiting with one another in Heaven. Aren't children wonderful when true joy is shown about a loved one going to Heaven??? They always remind us that someday we will see them again beyond those Pearly Gates!

God Bless you and I will be praying! {{{HUGS}}}

Anonymous said...

I am now 67 years of age. I learned this little verse when I was a small child. I had looked and looked for it in print and finally found it on your site. I plan to teach this little song to a pre-school class I am teaching at VBS. Thank you for sharing this with others so I could find it.

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