Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thankful Thursdays


Thankful Thursday


Each week on thursday I am going to be listing 10 things I am thankful for.

1. My Lord, he is so good to me and never gives up on me. He keeps molding me and trying to make me in his image. Some times I wonder why he has not given up on me yet, but his love for me shows through in his patience with me.

2. My Dear Hubby, he is also so very patient with me. I have been so down lately and he is doing so much for me to help me out around the home and to help me get my focus back upon the Lord.

3. My children, they are so sweet to their mama and they so want to please me and help me around the house.

4. Our friends at church and on the net have also been a big encouragement to me and I know that the Lord has placed friends in our lives to help us encourage one another.

5. Our home, yes it is small, only 1000sq ft for all of us, but it is cozy, it keeps the weather off of us and it is ours.

6. My garden, I was looking at it yesterday and realized that everything that we have planted was given to us. I have not spent one cent on the garden and yet the Lord has graciously provided for us to have one. I also have not planted more than one thing it but my Mr. Fix it has been taking care of the garden for me this year.

7. My country, I am so thankful to be living in a country that allows me to raise my family in the manner in which I believe I should. The Lord has given me this great privilage and I pray that I do not abuse it.

8. My piano, I grew up in a home where music was very important and then when I got married I did not have a piano for almost 6 years. Then when we did get a piano we had to leave it when we moved, just to big and heavy to move, this actually happened twice. So when I was given another piano my DH said we would be moving it if we ever moved, and when it came time for us to move again the piano came along. (thanks sweety)

9. The internet, I know, I know, it can be used for all sorts of evil purposes but I am so thankful for it as I have made some wonderful friends on it and have found many sites that bless me and help me as I strive to be the women the Lord would have me to be.

10. TODAY!!!!! The Lord is not obligated to allow us another day and yet he in his love allows us another day to live for him. What are you going to do for him today??


Mrs. B said...

It is so nice to see you posting again. I look forward to upcoming entries.

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful list of blessings! God IS so good to us, isn't He?!

Have a blessed weekend!


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