Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Did she fall off of the face of the earth??

No I did not fall off of the face of the earth. Just some days around here it feels like it. We have had some very busy days and some very stressful days.
I have tried so hard to keep upbeat and keep the children innocent of all that is going on but that is not so easy with the ages ours are. When the children start to panic when a bill comes into the house things are getting BAD!!
As some of you all know my DH is a pastor, or I should say was a pastor. Our church merged with the church that they had originally split from years ago. This was great for God and really for us also just put us in a bad position.
His secular job is in recycling and it is just not going well either. Not sure why but the recycling business is so very slow. He is down to 2 days a week and 6 hour days. So we have been struggling financially. So why is our internet still up. Because he is able to send off his resume with out spending gas and with out spending postage. He checks the job listings and emails his resume out. So far the only ones who have called is Walmart so it looks like he has a job there just will take a few weeks to get in. In the mean time things are getting backed up pretty badly and we are just hoping people can be patient with us.
On the home front things had been so bad with this pregnancy. But it looks like all is under control, finally. We had one ER run which for our family is not bad. Also our littlest guy is going down to U of M hospital to be checked out. Something is wrong in the veins in his legs. I will be so glad to know what is going on.
Things on the homefront our normal. The normal dishes and laundry routing. Although it is so nice to be able to put the laundry on the line finally. Oh I did forget that for some odd reason the washing machine is leaking but only when you try to do a super large load.
I have opened a store at etsy and I am praying that that will take off and help with the family with money.
Hope to get back into the blog loop soon


Amy Ellen said...

I pray that your family will be well provided for in the hands of God... that His riches would abundantly meet your needs... and that your faith in Him would be stregthened through this trial.

Mrs. B, a very peculiar person said...

Keeping you and your family in prayer...the other-Mrs.B

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