Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Yes the long lost sheep has returned. I will post a devotional after I get this posted.
Well this crazy life all started last Mon. We signed a lease for a rental in the town my DH will be pastoring in Got home at midnight .
Tuesday we had Dr.s appointment He confirmed that little on number seven ;Dwas on the way. The rest of the day was spent looking for boxes and trying to find a cheap way to move a family of 8 ??? ::)
Wed. we packed what we could between icky breaks in the bathroom for me. Morning sickness my foot it is an all day event for me. Then church and a fairwell to the cat.
Thurs. Was spent picking up a trailer and a van and hoping some help will show up so I do not have to help load the big stuff.
Fri. We got on the road for a 6 hour move. It was a LOOOOOOOng day. Then we unloaded into our new home.
I was sick on Sunday and missed Ressurection day services. :(
But I am back and soon will have my own computer up and running. I am still living out of boxes and making a list of all that we forgot or just did not have room for. I Hate moving but am glad that DH is back pastoring :D

1 comment:

momzilla said...

We have alot of things in common.And I loved reading about your family.Blessings

p.s. sorry you're sick,feel better soon!!!

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